Hello again!
I cannot believe Thanksgiving is exactly ONE WEEK away! Ahhh! Where did fall go? I feel like I was literally just getting out all of my fall decorations from the attic and putting my summer stuff away. And now to think that it's time to switch it all out again for Christmas? But don't worry. Before I get ahead of myself with all of the Christmas madness, I wanted to share at least something from my house from this fall season. It's really nothing spectacular, but it's a cheap and fun tip I thought I'd share with you since you can use this for any season!
So, the wonderful world of Target (dangerous because it's right outside of my neighborhood) sells these cute burlap banners on their $3 shelf in the front of the store. So far I have found all different designs and styles for every season. When I bought my first one this past summer for the '4th Of July', I knew exactly what I wanted to use it for- to hang on my front porch by the front door! So I get it home and realize it's just kind of plain and simple, so what can I write on it? Well, just so happens it had 8 triangles so "Welcome!" fit perfectly and suited right where I wanted to hang it! You can either use paint or Sharpie but I wasn't dragging out all my painting supplies at the time, so I just used the Sharpie that was nearby and hung it outside with some tape. Wala!
It was such an easy little craft and took no time at all! Not to mention I only spent $3! (and everyone who knows me knows I am cheap and love saving money) I left my '4th Of July' one hanging all summer and it held up just fine! I saw both of these above when Target set out their fall and Halloween retail, so I immediately got them back home to hang and they looked great all season! Not only is this such a cheap and easy little project, but it adds just that little touch of "fun" to your home. You can also keep re-using them each year! Hang one this Christmas above your fireplace, your front door, apartment, or dorm room! Just grab a Sharpie and create your message!
So this is my "Cheap Tip" for now and I will be sure to keep coming across more! What cheap tips do you have under your sleeve? I would love for you to share below! That is it for today from Farmhouse Flare, folks! Thanks for reading!
Lauren Taylor